I'm currently headed out to "Adult Spring Break"--- aka celebrating the fact that Australia gives Good Friday and Easter Monday off and headed up to the beach with some friends. I've never gotten a single day off for Easter so this is really exciting!
Thought I'd share two stories from yesterday:
It's no surprise for me to say that Australia is super expensive at this point. But sometimes I just feel like businesses are trying to rip me off.
Take the gym: 3 times the cost of Gold's Gym at home AND there are no towels. In order to get a towel you have to pay $3 a visit---you can get a "towel card" in case you rock up and don't have $3 with you, and the nice folks at the front desk will hold your card until you bring back the towel at the end of your session. Kind of like insurance that you won't walk off with the towel.
Seeing as I'm headed to the beach and we have to bring our own linens, though, I had what I thought was a master plan when I headed to the gym yesterday morning. "I'll pay CASH," I thought, "and then I'll be able to borrow this towel forever and take it to the beach."
I've never stolen anything before, but surely with the amount of uses that they get out of those gym towels they wouldn't sell for more than $3 on the street anyway.
My mistake was paying with a $10 instead of paying exact change. The front desk must have seen straight through me, because as she handed me my towel she said "I'll give you your change when you bring your towel back."
THWARTED in a big way. I guess I still could have stolen it, but it would have cost me the full $10.
Next time I'll try paying the exact amount. Fitness First, I will establish a collection of your towels.
The next little story could have really put a damper on this weekend's trip. Spoiler: it didn't.
Lost and Found
I've always wanted a gay best friend. Something about having a gay best friend just seems really really cool, and really handy for gossiping about work, fashion choices etc. I'm lucky that in Sydney I've got two gay best friends-- my colleague Ryan and his partner Ceph.
Ryan's got a flair for the drama at times, which is part of the reason why it's so much fun to hang around him.
Last night after work, the three of us piled into the super economy car that we've hired for the weekend (ie, the most Ceph would agree to help pay for) and started making the rounds: Aldi, Cole's and finally the mecca of liquor stores, Dan Murphy's.
The car was already fairly packed by the time we picked up booze, and with rain pouring down as we wheeled out our purchases I instructed the boys to pack the car and then come back around to pick me up.
Minutes pass by and I begin to wonder what in the world is going on. Glancing up from my phone, I see Ryan grandly gesticulating with his arms. Uh-oh, I thought, there's an argument brewing. But it was worse than I thought. With a shriek, Ryan turned to me and yelled "he's lost the keys! he's lost the keys!"
I groaned, knowing that this meant I had to walk out in the rain to search for the car keys that had just magically disappeared after opening the door.
It's funny to see these two operate-- both getting more anxious and dramatic by the moment-- going through all of the shopping bags, searching the floor and checking under the car.
"What are we going to do?" Ryan wailed after another 15 minutes of searching. "It's a public holiday tomorrow and this is a hired car and now we won't get to go to the beach and it's all your fault Ceph and how did you lose the keys and what are we going to doooooooooooooo?"
"Give me 5 minutes to think," replies Ceph, so we climb back in the car (soaked), Ryan's anger palpable and me stifling giggles in the backseat.
Being the super rational, always levelheaded person that I am, I know we've just missed the keys somewhere and that they are, in fact, somewhere in the car.
"Scoot your seat forward all the way Ryan," I say.
"I've already checked under the seat. The keys are lost forever. We're going to have to cancel the trip. Ceph, how could you? How could you ruin our vacation?"
I interrupt-- "Ok fine, but do it anyway. Scoot forward."
And there, lying perfectly fine under the seat, are our missing keys.
Crisis averted.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Five Awesome Things
Just a random collection of some things I've found awesome lately:
1. The Easter bunny came! I'm not sure how in the world he found out I live in Sydney now, but man it was a nice surprise to come back to the apartment to find this awesome chocolate bouquet waiting for me!

(side note: how thoughtful are my parents????) Growing up we always had Easter baskets, even through college and years we've been apart. My family is a sucker for traditions but even I was surprised that the bunny could hop this far!
2. This book:

I've been seeing this book pop up in various blogs as a must read, so last week when I was out shopping I decided to give it a whirl. Google Play keeps saying I can't purchase things with my card (I think it's something to do with my card being US and me being in AUS? gotta investigate that) and it's been awhile since I've had an actual book in hand.
I flew through this-- it's definitely an easier read but it's beautifully written and a heartbreaking story. I should have realized that any book involving a kid with cancer would be sad, but a book involving a first love between TWO cancer ridden teenagers? Definitely sobbed the entire plane ride home from Brisbane last night. Many thanks to the Mom next to me who supplied some kleenex.
3. Pinterest's updated mobile site. This is probably old news, but for awhile I thought that Pinterest's ipad/iPhone apps were pretty crappy. Not anymore! I've fallen back down the black hole that Pinterest can quickly become again and absolutely loving it. I think I've pinned more in the past 3 days than I had in the past three months!
4. Bananas! I had my first one in about a year today after I saw one and just couldn't get it out of my mind. I used to eat a banana almost every single day but after a stint of "no carbs" to get ready for a Hawaii trip last year I just had sort of written bananas off. I had one with peanut butter today-- can't believe that I've been missing out! Welcome back, bananas, I've missed you.
5. DIPS! Australia loves dips, and I love that Australia loves dips. Seriously-- there's a whole section of the grocery store devoted to different types of yummy dips. Each time I go to the grocery store I inevitably find myself "just browsing" the selections, and 9 times out of 10 find myself buying one (ok fine, two). Buying two is actually pretty crucial so you can buy one that you know you like and one that may be a gamble.

Top: gamble.
Bottom: old stand by.
I have no idea what Dukkah is, but the dip on top was on sale so I figured I'd give it a whirl. Verdict? I still have no idea what Dukkah is but it's pretty damn delicious mixed with sweet potato.
Maybe I'll start a section of this blog (since I write so frequently) and devote it to different dips in Australia. Could be huge.
What are 5 Awesome Things in your life right now?
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
1. The Easter bunny came! I'm not sure how in the world he found out I live in Sydney now, but man it was a nice surprise to come back to the apartment to find this awesome chocolate bouquet waiting for me!

(side note: how thoughtful are my parents????) Growing up we always had Easter baskets, even through college and years we've been apart. My family is a sucker for traditions but even I was surprised that the bunny could hop this far!
2. This book:

I've been seeing this book pop up in various blogs as a must read, so last week when I was out shopping I decided to give it a whirl. Google Play keeps saying I can't purchase things with my card (I think it's something to do with my card being US and me being in AUS? gotta investigate that) and it's been awhile since I've had an actual book in hand.
I flew through this-- it's definitely an easier read but it's beautifully written and a heartbreaking story. I should have realized that any book involving a kid with cancer would be sad, but a book involving a first love between TWO cancer ridden teenagers? Definitely sobbed the entire plane ride home from Brisbane last night. Many thanks to the Mom next to me who supplied some kleenex.
3. Pinterest's updated mobile site. This is probably old news, but for awhile I thought that Pinterest's ipad/iPhone apps were pretty crappy. Not anymore! I've fallen back down the black hole that Pinterest can quickly become again and absolutely loving it. I think I've pinned more in the past 3 days than I had in the past three months!
4. Bananas! I had my first one in about a year today after I saw one and just couldn't get it out of my mind. I used to eat a banana almost every single day but after a stint of "no carbs" to get ready for a Hawaii trip last year I just had sort of written bananas off. I had one with peanut butter today-- can't believe that I've been missing out! Welcome back, bananas, I've missed you.
5. DIPS! Australia loves dips, and I love that Australia loves dips. Seriously-- there's a whole section of the grocery store devoted to different types of yummy dips. Each time I go to the grocery store I inevitably find myself "just browsing" the selections, and 9 times out of 10 find myself buying one (ok fine, two). Buying two is actually pretty crucial so you can buy one that you know you like and one that may be a gamble.

Top: gamble.
Bottom: old stand by.
I have no idea what Dukkah is, but the dip on top was on sale so I figured I'd give it a whirl. Verdict? I still have no idea what Dukkah is but it's pretty damn delicious mixed with sweet potato.
Maybe I'll start a section of this blog (since I write so frequently) and devote it to different dips in Australia. Could be huge.
What are 5 Awesome Things in your life right now?
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, March 25, 2013
Race Recap: Better luck next time?
Don't get me wrong, I love a good story. I just wish this one had ended in a PR.
Sadly, the Brisbane Twilight Half Marathon didn't go exactly as planned. Things started out great: after a sweltering hot day (seriously, the three of us running were seriously debating blowing the race off to lay in the pool and eat popsicles) the temperatures finally broke around 4 pm and a cloud cover stopped the beating sun that had been so oppressing earlier in the day. Little did we know that those clouds spelled impending doom! (and yes, it looks like there is a blue sky in the background, but the other direction was all grey)

This was my first race that started at night, and will likely be my last starting so late. I wasn't really sure what to do with myself all day except for to be nervous, but by the time race time rolled around I had burned up all of my nervous energy. I didn't really like feeling like I couldn't do much during the day as I was trying to conserve energy and know that I much prefer an early morning race to "get it out of the way."
That being said, if the race had been in the morning it would have ended in the sweltering heat and that would have been pretty bad.
But as it turns out the weather in Queensland can be just as nasty when it's not hot, too.

Whoaaaaaa, how did we get from the dry picture at the start to the above?
Answer: just past the 8k mark when the sky fell open and the wind was gusting up to 100 kilometers an hour. Not fun, especially when you're trying to cross a bridge. Things just got worse after that-- the street we were running on quickly became flooded, the lights went out and plunged us into total darkness and then a tree fell on a poor runner's head. That was the final straw for the race officials, and they quickly ushered everyone off the course to the "finish."
I'm not going to lie- I was pretty bummed when the race was called as things were going really well. I was hitting a pace I was confident I could get between 1:50-1:55 with and the course (a weird out and back, out and back loop thing) was fairly flat. But, I was also pretty petrified of the howling wind the the pitch black dark and branches cracking everywhere. I had briefly flirted with the idea of pulling off at the 10k mark, but had convinced myself that because I felt so strong it would be silly to stop. Being forced to quit is not a fun feeling.

Crossing the "finish line"-- can you see all three of us?
After we were pushed through a premature finish and handed medals that I don't think we really deserved the three of us (my boss and a fellow manager) decided that the next logical thing to do would be to run home. Why? I'm not really sure. But as it was two against one, off we went into the darkness.
If you know me, you know that I hate the wind and I hate being wet. Add some running in there and you've pretty much got my recipe for Hell. We ran for another 7k, rounding out our mileage for the day to be just under 18.5k. Not a half marathon, but close enough in my book.

Our pace never dropped, which I'm going to take as a sign that I would have gone faster if it were dry and we'd kept running. Totally would have been a PR, right?
I was encouraged by the attempt though and think that it means I can train a bit harder (and more consistently than of late) and hopefully get a PR later this year.
Disappointed? Yes. Defeated? No. One lesson learned- if it ever looks like rain on race day, you'll find me snuggled up inside.
Now, off to see if I can get my sneakers to stop smelling like the swamp.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sadly, the Brisbane Twilight Half Marathon didn't go exactly as planned. Things started out great: after a sweltering hot day (seriously, the three of us running were seriously debating blowing the race off to lay in the pool and eat popsicles) the temperatures finally broke around 4 pm and a cloud cover stopped the beating sun that had been so oppressing earlier in the day. Little did we know that those clouds spelled impending doom! (and yes, it looks like there is a blue sky in the background, but the other direction was all grey)

This was my first race that started at night, and will likely be my last starting so late. I wasn't really sure what to do with myself all day except for to be nervous, but by the time race time rolled around I had burned up all of my nervous energy. I didn't really like feeling like I couldn't do much during the day as I was trying to conserve energy and know that I much prefer an early morning race to "get it out of the way."
That being said, if the race had been in the morning it would have ended in the sweltering heat and that would have been pretty bad.
But as it turns out the weather in Queensland can be just as nasty when it's not hot, too.

Whoaaaaaa, how did we get from the dry picture at the start to the above?
Answer: just past the 8k mark when the sky fell open and the wind was gusting up to 100 kilometers an hour. Not fun, especially when you're trying to cross a bridge. Things just got worse after that-- the street we were running on quickly became flooded, the lights went out and plunged us into total darkness and then a tree fell on a poor runner's head. That was the final straw for the race officials, and they quickly ushered everyone off the course to the "finish."
I'm not going to lie- I was pretty bummed when the race was called as things were going really well. I was hitting a pace I was confident I could get between 1:50-1:55 with and the course (a weird out and back, out and back loop thing) was fairly flat. But, I was also pretty petrified of the howling wind the the pitch black dark and branches cracking everywhere. I had briefly flirted with the idea of pulling off at the 10k mark, but had convinced myself that because I felt so strong it would be silly to stop. Being forced to quit is not a fun feeling.

Crossing the "finish line"-- can you see all three of us?
After we were pushed through a premature finish and handed medals that I don't think we really deserved the three of us (my boss and a fellow manager) decided that the next logical thing to do would be to run home. Why? I'm not really sure. But as it was two against one, off we went into the darkness.
If you know me, you know that I hate the wind and I hate being wet. Add some running in there and you've pretty much got my recipe for Hell. We ran for another 7k, rounding out our mileage for the day to be just under 18.5k. Not a half marathon, but close enough in my book.

Our pace never dropped, which I'm going to take as a sign that I would have gone faster if it were dry and we'd kept running. Totally would have been a PR, right?
I was encouraged by the attempt though and think that it means I can train a bit harder (and more consistently than of late) and hopefully get a PR later this year.
Disappointed? Yes. Defeated? No. One lesson learned- if it ever looks like rain on race day, you'll find me snuggled up inside.
Now, off to see if I can get my sneakers to stop smelling like the swamp.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
St. Patty's Day Fun!
Sigh, I have the best blogging intentions. Every time I go somewhere I always think "take lots of pictures! Document everything! Think of something witty that you can talk about when you write!"
And then inevitably I come home and find 2 pictures on my camera. Saturday would have been a GREAT opportunity to show off some mad blogger skillz- my friends and I had a pub crawl to celebrate St. Patty's day and the original goal was to take a picture of every drink we had.
We ended up visiting The Winery, Forresters, The Clocktower, Beresford Hotel, The Local, The Gaslight Inn and Royal St. Albert's bar. What do I have to show for it?

-Lovely Rose Sangria from the Winery

-Pimms Sangria from Forresters
Awesome job, right? I don't know how real bloggers do it-- I need to start setting reminders on my phone to take pictures or something!
Regardless, it was a great evening with friends. To top it off a few of us ended up at Kareoke for late night. I haven't done Kareoke in YEARS, but when you've got your own room and only five people you can sing as many songs as your little heart desires. Proof? I was hoarse on Sunday. #worthit
There is one huge difference that I noticed from St. Patrick's day festivities here vs. Washington: no slightly flat green Bud Light to commemorate the event. Not sure how I feel about that.
Goal: actually take enough pictures to sum up a night. Include people for bonus points.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
And then inevitably I come home and find 2 pictures on my camera. Saturday would have been a GREAT opportunity to show off some mad blogger skillz- my friends and I had a pub crawl to celebrate St. Patty's day and the original goal was to take a picture of every drink we had.
We ended up visiting The Winery, Forresters, The Clocktower, Beresford Hotel, The Local, The Gaslight Inn and Royal St. Albert's bar. What do I have to show for it?

-Lovely Rose Sangria from the Winery

-Pimms Sangria from Forresters
Awesome job, right? I don't know how real bloggers do it-- I need to start setting reminders on my phone to take pictures or something!
Regardless, it was a great evening with friends. To top it off a few of us ended up at Kareoke for late night. I haven't done Kareoke in YEARS, but when you've got your own room and only five people you can sing as many songs as your little heart desires. Proof? I was hoarse on Sunday. #worthit
There is one huge difference that I noticed from St. Patrick's day festivities here vs. Washington: no slightly flat green Bud Light to commemorate the event. Not sure how I feel about that.
Goal: actually take enough pictures to sum up a night. Include people for bonus points.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, March 11, 2013
I hate running
There. I said it. Right now, or at least for the past couple of weeks, I've hated running.
What happened? I'm not sure. One day it was clicking....the subsequent three weeks, it hasn't. Stops, starts, cutting runs short, stopping the treadmill after a few minutes. I haven't even run for a week and the thought of running wants to make me claw my eyeballs out.
Oh, and the half marathon is in less than two weeks. What am I going to do? What is there to do really?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
What happened? I'm not sure. One day it was clicking....the subsequent three weeks, it hasn't. Stops, starts, cutting runs short, stopping the treadmill after a few minutes. I haven't even run for a week and the thought of running wants to make me claw my eyeballs out.
Oh, and the half marathon is in less than two weeks. What am I going to do? What is there to do really?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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