Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Five Awesome Things

Just a random collection of some things I've found awesome lately:

1. The Easter bunny came! I'm not sure how in the world he found out I live in Sydney now, but man it was a nice surprise to come back to the apartment to find this awesome chocolate bouquet waiting for me!

(side note: how thoughtful are my parents????) Growing up we always had Easter baskets, even through college and years we've been apart. My family is a sucker for traditions but even I was surprised that the bunny could hop this far!

2. This book:

I've been seeing this book pop up in various blogs as a must read, so last week when I was out shopping I decided to give it a whirl. Google Play keeps saying I can't purchase things with my card (I think it's something to do with my card being US and me being in AUS? gotta investigate that) and it's been awhile since I've had an actual book in hand.

I flew through this-- it's definitely an easier read but it's beautifully written and a heartbreaking story. I should have realized that any book involving a kid with cancer would be sad, but a book involving a first love between TWO cancer ridden teenagers? Definitely sobbed the entire plane ride home from Brisbane last night. Many thanks to the Mom next to me who supplied some kleenex.

3. Pinterest's updated mobile site. This is probably old news, but for awhile I thought that Pinterest's ipad/iPhone apps were pretty crappy. Not anymore! I've fallen back down the black hole that Pinterest can quickly become again and absolutely loving it. I think I've pinned more in the past 3 days than I had in the past three months!

4. Bananas! I had my first one in about a year today after I saw one and just couldn't get it out of my mind. I used to eat a banana almost every single day but after a stint of "no carbs" to get ready for a Hawaii trip last year I just had sort of written bananas off. I had one with peanut butter today-- can't believe that I've been missing out! Welcome back, bananas, I've missed you.

5. DIPS! Australia loves dips, and I love that Australia loves dips. Seriously-- there's a whole section of the grocery store devoted to different types of yummy dips. Each time I go to the grocery store I inevitably find myself "just browsing" the selections, and 9 times out of 10 find myself buying one (ok fine, two). Buying two is actually pretty crucial so you can buy one that you know you like and one that may be a gamble.

Top: gamble.
Bottom: old stand by.

I have no idea what Dukkah is, but the dip on top was on sale so I figured I'd give it a whirl. Verdict? I still have no idea what Dukkah is but it's pretty damn delicious mixed with sweet potato.

Maybe I'll start a section of this blog (since I write so frequently) and devote it to different dips in Australia. Could be huge.

What are 5 Awesome Things in your life right now?

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for ruining the book silly!!! I was explaining to Jason the other day about the messy Easter bunny that would leave foot prints on the coffee table!
