I was in Sydney last fall when The Color Run seemed to pop up on my Facebook feed every weekend, and I was super jealous of all of the fun that everyone seemed to be having. I missed the sign up for the race that's next month but jumped at the chance to do this event when my roommate told me about it.
The event itself was pretty disorganized- all conducted on sidewalks and through a busy tourist destination (Darling Harbour). There was no water and no "course" markings, and for a field of about 1,500 people or so there was no reason that it should take our group nearly 30 minutes to cross the Start line.
Let us go already!! We're too clean!
BUT, it was a fun 45 minutes or so. Our group chose to walk it (since there's really no point in running a non-timed, non-marked 5k) and had fun taking pictures of our colour progression.
First stop: purple. That's my roommate's sister, my roommate Es, and her boyfriend Tom.
Second stop: pink. Kind of looks the same, huh?
All in all there were four color stops along the way, and a huge field at the end where you got to throw colored powder at each other. Since it was Australia day, everyone got a yellow and green packet of color to throw around. I must say-- this part was the most fun!
A few of my best friends throwing color around.
All in all, it was a good event. I don't think anyone took it seriously so it was fine that it really wasn't a "race" at all, or that no precautions were taken to make it appear like anything more than a morning walk. I'd be interested to see how it compares to the original event, but at the end of the day it raised money for a great cause and I got to get a little colourful on a Saturday.
Don't worry-- it mostly washes off.
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A definite step up from mud runs!