Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Morning Commute

I am really digging not having to use public transport to get to work-- I COULD, but when you have a walk like mine why would you fork over $3.50 each way?

True, my walk each morning is about 40 minutes and contains several hills, but it's a much calmer start to the day than when I depended on WMATA for my transport.

Here are some pictures of my views along the way:

All laced up and ready to go-- I did the first day in sandals and my poor feet were not pleased with me. Definitely need the sneaks!

So many sailboats and a park kick off my walk. In the morning there are usually plenty of puppies going for walks and in the afternoon plenty of soccer teams and bootcamps going on in the park. Both give me different reasons to smile ;)

First set of stairs on the journey. These are the "baby" ones-- oof! After I'm huffing and puffing at the top of the stairs it's uphill for the next few blocks.

This sign is at the top of the uphill on the side of a building- always makes me laugh for some reason (maybe it's my lungs gasping for breath).

Around the corner and down the street to the top of the second flight of stairs- definitely need a fence here because there's a huge drop off to the road below. Not a bad view of the bridge/Opera House/Finger Wharf is it?

And in the other direction, a nice view of the city skyline. Sydney, you're pretty.

Down the steps and toward the city, strolling past the finger wharf and impressive boats. I'd really like to be able to walk out of my apartment onto my yacht, wouldn't you?

Up another flight of stairs (not pictured, because that would be boring- but they're yellow so that's a bit of sunshine while I'm puffing) and into the Domain- Sydney's gardens. 

Emerge from the gardens, hang a right and you're in the city! Just down this road and you're at the office- piece of cake.

I'm sure the commute will get old at some point, but for now I'm enjoying getting a little bit of fresh air and getting my heart rate up a bit each day. 

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